Salesforce Test Automation with Dimension SwifTest™

Dimension SwifTest is an application-aware test automation tool designed with the non-technical user in mind. If you use Salesforce regularly in your day job, you will be able to use SwifTest with ease; with no need to get involved with any technical scripting tools.

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Salesforce Test Automation

  • Designed specifically for Salesforce
  • Save up to 60% of time spent during test execution
  • Save up to 70% of time spent creating and maintaining test scripts
  • Quickly build your own catalogs of test scripts and scenarios
  • Perform projects testing, leveraging those catalogs
  • Detailed reporting helps expedite project sign-off
  • Reduce the burden of your 90-day patching cycle

Dimension SwifTest™ significantly reduces the time and effort associated with functional test automation.

“Our code-current strategy is driven by release management. With our partner, DWS, we are able to extensively automate testing, which is helping with release management a lot”.

Marcin Kurkowski, Global Head of Data Centre Excellence – Pernod-Ricard

What is Test Automation and how does it relate to Dimension SwifTest?

Test automation refers to the process of using software tools and technologies to automate repetitive, time-consuming testing tasks for Salesforce. By automating these tasks, businesses can achieve faster, more accurate, and more efficient testing while freeing up resources to focus on other essential activities.

Dimension SwifTest is a test automation solution specifically designed for Salesforce. It simplifies the testing process, allowing business analysts and super-users to take ownership of test automation without the need for specialist test engineers or programmers. With its user-friendly interface and unique features, Dimension SwifTest enables businesses to run smaller, faster, and smarter projects, significantly reducing the time and effort associated with functional testing for Salesforce.


OCA Lifecycle datasheet

The Salesforce lifecycle is defined by implementations, updates, and recurring projects. We break down these different components and show you how to improve your projects by automating and testing smarter in our Salesforce Lifecycle datasheet.

Download Testing Lifecycle

Your new favourite Test Automation tool

Discover just how easy it is to use Dimension SwifTest and transform your Salesforce test automation today with a free 30-day trial! There is no obligation to continue, either – so you can decide if SwifTest is as powerful as we say it is.

Start my FREE trial now              View SwifTest Datasheet

Unique features of Dimension SwifTest for Salesforce

  • Uses unique scanning technology to automate the generation of test scripts for all test scenarios
  • Test scenarios are quickly and easily updated and edited, unlike with traditional record and play functionality
  • Tracks the status of tests and their results
  • Provides clear reporting on test results, expediting project sign-off
  • Pinpoints all test failures with user-friendly information, so testers have everything they need to correct the issue
  • Enables drill-down for more detailed analysis of test results

Test your system, not your patience

Dimension SwifTest Dashboard

The SwifTest Dashboard is available from the Hub. The Test Manager or Lead Tester can use the dashboard as a one-stop overview of the testing activity being carried out. They can view progress and results at the Project and Scenario levels and can click to drill down to see further detail related to specific tests.

As the number of Projects and Test Scripts grow, this will be a regular place to visit to quickly get that overall view on your team’s progress.

Creating Test Scripts Is Easy With SwifTest

When we talk to prospective customers about automating the testing that they do day-to-day or when managing an update, many express concerns about the amount of effort required to create all the scripts needed to reflect the way they have implemented and use Salesforce.

In answer to this, DWS developed SwifStart scripts to help customers kick-start the creation of their own base catalog.

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