
Oracle CloudWorld 2022

Oracle Cloudworld 2022 Las Vegas

October 17-20th | Las Vegas, Nevada.

Oracle CloudWorld 2022 is right around the corner. It brings together IT professionals and business leaders, and forms a platform for all the latest innovations and technical improvements from Oracle Cloud products.

Oracle CloudWorld is the largest conference of its kind, with more than 40,000 Oracle users to be in attendance. This 4 days event will showcase products from Oracle and its partners.

Previous Oracle CloudWorld events have been spectacular, so expect to be dazzled with the glitz and glamour. The event will cover more than 2,000 sessions and contain many big announcements by some of the worlds top companies.

Attendees at the event will have the opportunity to get involved with a multitude of activities, from watching keynote speeches to getting hands on in the lab where you can build an app or your own database query. With so much going on it is easy to see why this is one of the premier events in the Oracle calendar.

DWS At CloudWorld 2022

DWS are proud to be exhibiting at CloudWorld in Las Vegas. Our team will be on hand showcasing how end-to-end automation and industry-tailored solutions are leading the way and shaping the future.

We would love to meet you at the event, so feel free to pop by our stand and say hello to our team.

Why attend?

  • Learn from the experts – Dive into all Oracle solutions with more than 1,200 sessions and labs organized by topic and role.
  • Oracle networking opportunity – with over 40,000 Oracle users in attendance, CloudWorld is the largest gathering of the global Oracle community.
  • Access free digital training and certification – From the time you register until 60 days after the event, you’ll have free access to Oracle University.


Find out more and register

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