
Have you gotten with the program?

by Pat Neary

Now is the time to Evolve and Innovate!

This month, DWS is kicking off a campaign which challenges companies committed to JDE E1 to ask themselves, ‘am I doing enough to maximise my ROI in JDE E1?’. It is easy to go to conferences, events and user group meetings and pay lip service to the idea that you have a strategy and plan to get current, stay current and innovate. So, this month, it is not a question of whether you get it but whether you are actually doing anything about it!

We have all been there. Someone is standing in front of you telling you to change, to take a step back, look around you, rethink the way you do things, and act. Telling you that you can do better, and if you make a concerted effort you will do better. Of course, the subtext is that if you do not do better, the world is going to pass you by and you are going to regret not having seized the opportunity when it was right in front of you.

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It is at this point that I sit back and reflect on my father asking me at various points in my young life whether I was ever going to “get with the program”. Scarily enough, I can readily recall fairly recent conversations I have had with my teenage son where I have asked that very same question, contemplating what action to take as opposed to the rights and wrongs of the situation. The rights and wrongs being relatively straightforward – it is the doing, however, that tends to be difficult.

When one thinks about JDE E1, you need to take steps to present it and make it feel more modern. The Oracle JDE team is doing a lot to help you in this regard with a shift to continuous delivery and things like personalization capabilities, notifications, and orchestrations. But what are you doing and what have you done? Are you running more projects to leverage this good stuff? Have you taken steps to run better projects?

The challenge, as a JDE application owner, has for a long time now been to sell projects to the business. I will suggest that you cannot simply sell deliverables and value, what you also need to sell is the ability to run better projects.

Running better projects involves changing the way you do things. Using tools to better articulate and manage the impact of a project, tools to relieve the heavy burden of testing that is often associated with projects, and services to share parts of the project that cause you pain with someone that is expert.

If any of this resonates or you are looking at ways to evolve and innovate, get in touch and we can explore how we might change and improve together.

Further reading.

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