
DWS Publishes Dimension Product Road Map

On Monday 22nd June 2020, we will be making the latest version of Dimension SwifTest available to all users.

Release 2020.2 includes both enhancements to current features and the introduction of some brand new features. Some key features to look out for include:

  • SwifTest now supports conditional and looping DS group actions
  • Actions now record the APPL, FORM and VERS of the E1 application
  • Support for media objects and E1 grid export/imports

In addition, we have made some enhancements to the user interface and streamlined some of the workflows, eliminating unnecessary log-in and out between test queues.

For full details of the new features and functionality available in release 2020.2, check out the release notes.

Version 2020.3 is due for release at the beginning of November 2020 and will include further enhancements to the dashboard, plus the ability to maintain projects, scenarios, tests, queues and schedules in the Hub.

Dimension Road Map

With several enhancements to the Dimension product suite planned over the coming months we thought you might also be interested in the longer term product road map.

The road map includes the proposed release schedule for Dimension Focus, Dimension SwifTest and Dimension LoadTest. Focus is currently on a bi-annual release schedule, with SwifTest and LoadTest on a more frequent, tri-annual release schedule. The current road map is published to Q1 of 2021, covering the proposed updates in release 2021.1 for all three products.

If you have any questions about the new features, or would like a copy of the road map, please reach out directly to

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