
Innovation and JDE EnterpriseOne

by Pat Neary

What does it mean to be a digital enterprise? Is digital transformation a journey, or a destination?

What we think of as a digital enterprise has evolved well beyond the simple concept of a paperless office. To be “digital” is to embrace the pervasive use of technology to solve business challenges. More than that, it is an acceptance that technology is the ultimate enabler and sits at the very core of business operations.

A digital enterprise is more likely to have integrated enterprise mobility, big data analytics, process automation and the Internet of Things into everyday operations. The result is an entity that is more efficient, more agile and more innovative.

An Innovation in ERP

In order to meet the changing demands of the digital enterprise, ERP vendors like Oracle JD Edwards have had to match this appetite for transformation and innovation. Oracle has invested heavily in its emerging cloud applications portfolio, offering new levels of flexibility, scalability and availability to its enterprise customers.

At the same time, it has continued to invest in established applications like JDE EnterpriseOne. By eschewing infrequent, major software upgrades in favor of a strategy of continuous adoption and delivery, it is moving users to a model more closely aligned with the way we “consume” cloud applications.

Continuous Adoption

The ability of JDE to innovate and release product enhancements more frequently enables customers to embrace transformative technologies more rapidly. Since releasing E1 9.2, JDE has brought over 160 product enhancements to market; including Enhanced Mobility and IoT Applications.

As users embrace the principles of continuous innovation and adoption, it has changed the way they manage JDE projects. Once on release 9.2, users adopting a code-current strategy will find projects become smaller, but more frequent.

Get Current, Stay Current Best practice guide


If you’re looking to get current in 2019, or need guidance on how to stay current and get the most from your 9.2 release:

View the best practice guide

An Innovation In Testing

The greater frequency of change creates an increased demand for functional testing. Because testing can account for over half of the overall project effort, digital enterprises are also embracing technology to transform the way they plan and execute tests.

Impact assessment tools that forensically analyze code down to a pixel change level of detail enable users to save time and effort by only testing what needs to be tested. Test automation solutions deliver further efficiencies by allowing users to quickly edit and repeat tests. Error rates are significantly reduced by eliminating the uncertainty associated with manual testing.

Stress-Free Stress Testing

A typical digital enterprise is platform agnostic, employing a hybrid infrastructure that features elements of both on-premises and cloud-based systems. Each of these systems is subject to unique levels of stress but needs to maintain 100% availability, to support digital operations.

Innovations in load testing mean users can quickly and easily stress test their systems by defining, executing and monitoring workloads from anywhere in the world.

Wherever you are on your transformation journey, if you are a JDE E1 user DWS has a solution to help you realise the full potential of continuous adoption and innovation. For further details, explore our product pages or contact us now.

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