
“Be All You Can Be”. Partner for Success!

by Pat Neary

I had a socially distanced chat recently with a teenager about their expectations of our government. To put it mildly, they expressed pretty high expectations – expectations that you or I (being older and wiser) might argue are unrealistic. As our chat unfolded, I could not resist pointing out that they seem to think the government should (a) have all the answers and (b) should be everything to everybody. Wouldn’t that be nice?!

I reflected on this recent exchange as I thought about the efforts that DWS has made (and continues to make) to encourage  partners (system integrators) and end customers of JDE Edwards EnterpriseOne and Oracle Fusion Cloud Apps to recognize and do something positive and constructive about functional/regression/stress testing. This kind of testing is highly repetitive and is an excellent candidate to be improved by technology and even automation.

Someone responsible for an enterprise software application working within an end customer organization can mitigate risk, accelerate time to benefit, and improve quality on every project by improving and automating testing.

A systems integrator providing services to end customers can extend your offerings to better address testing requirements during the execution of one-off projects and during the delivery of managed services.

In this day and age, where enterprise software applications have become more and more agile, responsive and relevant in respect of the delivery of real business improvements, everyone’s expectations reasonably include (and assume) quality – quality where testing is inherent in what you do and in what you deliver.

So, given the value and importance of quality and testing in “being all you can be”, it really does need to be addressed; whether you’re an end customer or systems integrator. End customers might buy and use solutions to improve the testing that they do, or they might demand their systems integrator to demonstrate and deliver services and software projects that have been comprehensively and cost effectively tested.

There are a lot of solutions being sold today that help companies better address testing. Many of these solutions have been designed for the author or developer and are quite technical, expensive and difficult to implement.

The DWS Dimension testing solutions have been designed with the functional consultant, business analyst and super user at their core. They recognize and consider your modifications and configuration, the parameters you have set, and the data that your implementation requires, generates and consumes. You can learn more about DWS Dimension testing solutions by clicking here.

If you are a Systems Integrator and want to understand how DWS can partner with you to differentiate the services you offer and better serve your customers, please click here.

By the way, “Be All You Can Be” was used by the US Army in an advertising campaign to drive enlistment in the mid-1980s. And the fact that we can’t be everything to everybody all the time is something I occasionally like to remind myself (and my teenagers)!

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